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Thông điệp [Trang 1 trong tổng số 1 trang]

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1Back To December - Taylor Swift!! Empty Back To December - Taylor Swift!! Thu 14 Oct 2010, 10:46

Thành viên cấp 1


Thành viên cấp 1


I’m so glad you made time to see me
How’s life, tell me how’s your family
I haven’t seen them in awhile
You’ve been good, busier than ever
Small talk, work and the weather
Your guard is up and I know why
Because the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mind
You gave me roses, and I left them there to die

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying I’m sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missing you
Wishing I’d realized what I had when you were mine
I’d go back to December turn around and make it all right.
I’d go back to December all the time.

These days, I haven’t been sleeping
Staying up late playing back myself leaving
When you’re birthday passed, and I didn’t call
And I think about summer all the beautiful times
I watched you laughing from the passenger side, and
I realized I loved you in the fall
And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love, and all I gave you was goodbye

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying I’m sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missing you
Wishing I’d realized what I had when you were mine
I’d go back to December turn around and change my own mind
I’d go back to December all the time

I miss your tan skin,
Your sweet smile,
So good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night
The first time you ever saw me cry
Maybe this is wishful thinking,
Probably myself dreaming,
But if you loved again, I swear I’d love you right
I’d go back in time and change it, but I can’t
So if the chain is on your door, I understand

But this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying I’m sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missing you
Wishing I’d realized what I had when you were mine
I’d go back to December turn around and make it all right
I’d go back to December turn around and change my own mind
I’d go back to December all the time.
All the time.

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